
Luton, get your vaccine.

Vaccines are a safe, effective way of protecting ourselves.

We’re working with local agency We Can Creative and Luton Borough Council to engage and encourage young people across Luton to get vaccinated. As part of our #CovidConversations campaign, we’ve been speaking to young people across Luton to engage them in the conversation about vaccinations, so that we can make sure young people have all the facts and can make an informed decision about vaccination. 


Across the day on Radio LaB you can hear the voices of young people discussing Covid-19 vaccinations, covering topics like; the effect of the vaccine on fertility, the fast development of the vaccine & how the vaccine is the best way for young people to get back to the things they love doing.

The Young People Having Our #CovidConversations


“Covid-19 wasn’t completely out of the blue, it is related to other viruses. The vaccine has had years and years of research.”

Frances, 23


“On social media it so much easier to spread false rumours. Speak to medical professionals – they know so much more than anybody writing on Facebook.”

Holly, 21


“I missed going to the pub with friends during lockdown. The vaccine is a way to get back to doing things like that.”

James, 20


“It’s Chinese whispers, weird rumours get passed around all the time. People should speak to medical professionals if they have any questions about the vaccine. “

Madison, 18


“The vaccine means I can join my Grandad in watching my local football team play, and even go to the pub afterwards.”

Matthew, 19


“I found getting the vaccine really straightforward. I wanted to get it as soon as possible so was willing to travel. But for my second one – the vaccination centre was really nearby.”

Nathan, 20


“When lockdown happened and people said ‘you have to stay inside all day’ it was really hard for me. The vaccine is a way out.”

Ryan, 18


“My Mum got the Covid-19 Vaccine. She says it gives her the security of – even if she gets Covid again – it won’t be as bad as if she caught it without the vaccine.”

Taye, 19


“Before getting the vaccine I did my research. I looked on the NHS website. There was no evidence the vaccine had any effect on fertility.”

Toby, 21

We’d love to know what your thoughts are, and the conversations you’ve been having around the vaccination.

Email CovidConversations@wecancreative.com to share your views.


Dr. Emeka Okorocha

We spoke with Dr. Emeka Okorocha as part of the campaign to find out what he thinks about the #CovidConversations project. Listen below!