Radio LaB has been celebrating world radio day at the university of Bedfordshire today, Tuesday 13th February. It’s been a great day for the whole station involving radio related songs and discussions about of the importance of the medium. They’ve been talking all about the importance of radio stations globally and there purpose.
They spoke to Dr Lawrie Hallett, senior lecturer in Radio and Journalism at the University who specialises in radio’s practise, history and future. He talked about what it means to inform, entertain and educate through radio and the importance of stations such as radio LaB now and in the future.
Listen to James Boyall talking to Lawrie Hallett on Radio LaB earlier today:
James Boyall, one of the student managers of the station said that ‘It’s been fantastic to lead the coverage of world radio day today, and it’s been an honour to talk to other volunteers and Dr Lawrie Hallett about the importance of what we do’. James lead the coverage around the station and helped to create a sense of excitement throughout the stations studio’s.
World radio day is a day to celebrate the importance of radio each year across the world and is celebrating by thousands of Radio stations across the world each year in an attempt to appreciate the audiences and people involved in creating great audio.